How To Pay Online
I'm Already Registered
If you have already registered and created your Cox Disposal, Inc. online account, you can Log In and navigate to the Pay Bill tab. Once on the Pay Bill tab, follow these steps:
- Verify amount listed to be paid or adjust as needed
- Enter your payment information
- Review and submit payment
- Save Transaction ID as confirmation of payment for your records
I Have not Registered Yet
In order to pay your bill online through the Cox Disposal, Inc. website, you will need to register and create an online account. You can go to the Register page to complete this step.
Once on the Registration page, there are only three items needed to create your account.
- Email Address: This will be used along with a password you create to access your online account. This will also be the email address to receive any correspondance Cox Disposal, Inc. sends through the website.
- Password: This will be created by you during the registration process. It will be used along with your email address to access your online account.
- Account Number: This is the account number that is displayed on any invoices you receive from Cox Disposal, Inc.
Online Payment Methods
Cox Disposal, Inc. currently only accepts credit or debit card payments through the website. Cox Disposal, Inc. does not save any credit or debit card information. Payment information entered is used for single transactions only.